So I was luck this time. Yes I have a back up but that could days to restore, and I just don't want to wait that long. So I needed a more easily accessable means of storing my data but also had some built in reliability so I don't have to lose sleep at night if something goes wrong.
Enter the Netgear Stora!
It's a 1TB NAS with a lot of really cool functionality. First off, it's a single 1TB disk, but there's an extra bay in the unit, so I just installed another 1TB disk I had in my collection 'o computer crap, and viola! An instant mirrored drive. It also has a USB port on the front, so I can attach an external drive to it for back up purposes or, as I'm currently using it, as a port that allows me connect my old external drive and move the files onto the NAS. It also integrates directly with iTunes, so I can easily migrate my entire library onto the device.
Now begins the task of migrating all of my legacy data onto the new device, but once it's done, I'll have a fully mirrored copy of all my important files. Plus, I can set it up with my Mozy account, so I can continue to have offline backups as well. How sweet is that?